Waterproof Shoes
[217]When you find a pair of shoes you love, you should be able to wear them every day, rain or shine. Whether you're running errands or running laps, with adidas' waterproof shoes, you can take on rainy days in comfort and style. We've got shoes designed for specific sports including golf, running and hiking, as well as street-style shoes for everyday wear. We use GORE-TEX membranes in many of our waterproof shoes to keep water sealed out and your feet dry. As with all of adidas' shoes, our waterproof options offer comfortable midsoles that give back energy with every stride and durable outsoles that can keep up with concrete roads and rocky terrain. Breathable uppers are the cherry on top that ensures comfort and flexibility, rain, wind, or shine.
Our clothing and shoe categories
- Base Layers
- Basketball Shoes
- Basketball Shorts
- Bikini Bottoms
- Bikini Tops
- Bikinis
- Black Backpack
- Black Shorts
- Black Trousers
- Blue Hoodies
- Blue Shoes
- Bomber Jackets
- Boxing Shoes
- Brown Jackets
- Bum Bags
- Climbing Shoes
- Winter Coats
- Crop Tops
- Fleece Jackets
- Gold Shoes
- Golf Jackets
- Golf Polo Shirts
- Golf Shorts
- Golf Trousers
- Gore Tex Shoes
- Graphic T-shirts
- Green Hoodies
- Green Shoes
- Grey Hoodies
- Grey Tracksuits
- Headbands & Visors
- Hiking Boots
- Invisible Socks
- Joggers
- Jumpsuits
- Lightweight Jackets
- Lightweight Parkas
- Long Sleeve T-shirts
- Mountain Biking Clothing
- Orange T-shirts
- Sports Bags
- Sportswear
- Pink Backpacks
- Pink Hoodies
- Pink Shoes
- Pink T-shirts
- Rain Jackets
- Red Hoodies
- Red Shoes
- Rugby Boots
- Knee Length Shorts
- Shoulder Bags
- Skate Shoes
- Ski Jackets
- Ski Trousers
- Snowboarding
- Sweatshirts
- Swimsuits
- Tank Tops
- Tennis Shoes
- Tote Bags
- Waterproof Jackets
- Weightlifting Shoes
- White Jackets
- White Shoes
- White Shorts
- White Sandals
- White T-shirts
- Windbreakers
- Winter Jackets
- Winter Sports
- Base Layers
Don’t let the weather spoil your day, adopt our waterproof shoes
Whether you’re going about your day, going for a run, or training hard, there’s one thing that’s certain to ruin it – wet feet! adidas’ range of waterproof shoes will keep your feet dry and comfortable, so you can carry on with what you’re doing with confidence. As well as a wide range of hiking and walking shoes, you can also choose from waterproof footwear that is designed for the sport or activity that you do, whether that’s golf, running, winter sports, or mountain biking. Check out our lifestyle range for stylish waterproof shoes for everyday wear.
Waterproof shoes for dry, comfortable feet
Gore-Tex waterproof shoes feature a membrane designed to keep the water on the outside so your feet stay dry. This membrane contains billions of tiny pores which are far smaller than a water droplet, allowing your feet to breathe while keeping out water droplets from rain and snow. adidas also offer waterproof shoes with advanced RAIN.RDY technology that channels water away from your feet, so they stay warm and dry. Combine these waterproofing features with other popular adidas footwear technologies like Boost for extra energy return with each step and Traxion for additional grip in all directions, and you’ve got waterproof shoes that are ready for anything.
While wet shoes and feet may be unpleasant, they’re also unhealthy and can cause significant problems. The moisture can provide good conditions for the fungus responsible for athlete’s foot to grow. Apart from this, it can also irritate the skin and make blisters more likely. A good waterproof shoe will help prevent this, ensuring that you’re fit and ready for the next hike, run or training session.
No compromising on style
Just because you want dry, comfortable feet, there’s no reason you can’t be stylish – we’re not talking wellies here. adidas waterproof shoes come in a spectrum of attractive and fashionable designs, such as the slick, cool vibes of ZG21 golf shoes, the colourful eclectic stylings of Terrex Free Hiker hiking shoes, and the chunky avant-garde stylings of the latest Y-3 GR.1P GTX. Waterproof shoes also come in many different colours, including white, blue, green, and brown, so you can match your outfit to your footwear. Don’t forget to also check out our extensive range of waterproof clothing, incorporating waterproof trousers, jackets, and more.
adidas is synonymous with footwear that is comfortable, stylish, and high-performance – it's hard to have any of those with soaking wet feet. Our range of waterproof shoes utilises top technologies like Gore-Tex and RAIN.RDY to ensure that your feet stay dry no matter what the weather's doing, so you can enjoy your sport or activity, and do it well.