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Body Neutrality Vs Body Positivity

Body positivity and body neutrality are movements aimed at loving and accepting the way we look. adidas explores the differences between the two


It’s no surprise that the way we view ourselves has a big impact on how we act and behave. And in a world where filters and edited images demand our constant attention, practising kindness in our inner monologue is more important than ever.

Our thoughts hold a lot of power, from the impression that we have when we look in the mirror, to the language that we use to describe who we are. Looking inwards, we can be kind or cruel with those thoughts. And that’s where practising empowering approaches can come in handy.

We’re looking at two big movements within body image: body positivity and body neutrality. Naturally, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to how you relate to your own body. The goal is to find what works best for you, whether that’s one way of viewing things or a combination.


Body positivity is all about celebrating and loving your body, regardless of shape and size. It rejects the idea that we need to stick to a strict set of beauty standards and embraces diversity and acceptance of all body types.

The ideas behind body positivity have been around for quite a while. As far back as the 1960s, feminist movements began to challenge narrow beauty ideals. In the 1990s, books like Naomi Wolf’s ‘Beauty Myth’ shed light on the damaging effects of beauty standards. And in the 2000s, brands began championing body positivity with campaigns promoting self-love across backgrounds, ages and body types.

Advocates of body positivity argue that challenging beauty norms and practising self-acceptance is key. Instead of fixating on flaws, body positivity embraces strength, self-love and the amazing things our bodies can do. That said, body positivity doesn’t work for everyone. Some think it’s unrealistic, while others argue that it still suggests that a person’s worth is tied to their looks. But the movement continues to evolve, playing an important role in reshaping ideas of beauty.


Body neutrality advocates a shift away from physical appearance entirely and encourages the idea that our bodies as just one part of who we are. The concept says our value should be tied to our character and the impact that we have on the world instead.

The term was made popular by author and eating disorder specialist Anne Poirier in 2015, who used the phrase to help her clients build healthier relationships with diet and exercise.

Poirier encourages us to embrace ourselves as we are, including when we don’t actually love our bodies. One of the criticisms of body positivity is that expecting to love every inch of ourselves is unrealistic. Body neutrality tackles that by thinking less about the body in general.

The body neutrality movement promotes living inside our bodies without strong opinions. Followers say that we should spend less time loving every flaw, and rather focus on a greater sense of general self-acceptance, even when we’re not happy with how we look.

But of course, no movement is free from critics. Some argue that body neutrality can be dismissive of body positivity, which was important in bringing attention to the topic of beauty ideals in the first place. Others say that without addressing how we look, we might oversimplify and risk overlooking issues like media representation and discrimination.


So if body positivity focuses on loving our bodies, and body neutrality suggests that we practise acceptance without appearance, where does each stand on physical activity?

Both recognise the incredible benefits that exercise can have on well-being, including just how fun it can be. Those post work-out endorphins that leave you feeling on top of the world? They’re always welcome!

In that respect, the movements focus less on the act of exercising and more on thinking about why we train. With body positivity, exercise should be driven by self-love rather than specific aesthetic goals. With body neutrality, a lot of the emphasis is around how the body acts as a vehicle for what we can accomplish. Both consider training as a way of maintaining or improving general well-being, rather than a means to achieve a certain shape or size.


With a shift in your thinking, striking a balance between exercise and positive self-talk is absolutely possible – and totally empowering, too.

Exercise has a ton of amazing benefits beyond weight and shape. Regular training can strengthen virtually every area of the body and mind, whether that’s boosting mood and cardiovascular health, or reducing stress and tension.

Challenging the notion of exercise as simply a weight loss tool can help rediscover your body in a new way, testing functions and experimenting with activities or sports that help you feel good.

Whether that’s low-impact sports like swimming, walking or certain types of yoga, or high-impact activities like basketball or martial arts, there’s something for every person and body shape.


Mindfulness should also factor into the equation though. We know that being negative towards ourselves is harmful, for our mental health and self-esteem. We’re bombarded with subtle and not-so-subtle messages around what we should consider beautiful. And we’re still discovering the negative effects of social media algorithms encouraging us to constantly compare ourselves to others.

With such an overload, taking the time to identify an approach that makes you feel good is always valuable, whether that’s to do with how you look or how you feel. Whether you’d like to learn more about body positivity or body neutrality (or other movements like body liberation or body acceptance) or enrich your mindfulness practice with yoga or meditation, the important thing is that you find serenity with how you feel – and how you move.

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Only you will know what works best with your values and helps you think about your body in an empowering way. But just recognising the factors that influence how you feel about yourself is a great step, regardless of where you are in your journey.
